CHERYL JANE CABLE 15th March 2012

Hi Grandma Happy Mothers Day Grandma. I am doing really well at nursery, they say i'm so advanced. I do a little song and dance that you would get a red nose to. Grandad loves it too. I pretend to be asleep and then jump up like a bunny. I'm doing really well with my talking and my favourite word at the minute is stuck. I've been walking since just after my first birthday. I went to the park with Abbie the other day and had my first proper fall where I scraped my face - I was very brave though. Daddy has a tattoo of you on his back and I say Mar mar in the mornings to give you a kiss. I love having baths with Daddy - he makes me laugh lots. I've got 11 teeth now, I've been getting the 4 back ones all at once so been a little cranky but ok. I like reading books and I still go swimming at the forum on a Monday. I always think of you when I'm there and me and Mummy and our friends have coffee in your cafe after rhyme and sign before we go swimming. We are all going on a cruise in May, Grandad says its what you really wanted us to do when you retired. You may not be with us in body but we will all be thinking of you all the time as we do always and you will be with us in spirit. Daddy is working hard at the minute, Mummy is trying to make him chill out a bit, but you know Daddy!!! Daddy misses you more than he can put into words, mummy does too. We all love and miss you so much Grandma. Love always Ruby, Stewart and Cheryl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx